For the portfolio project I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do at first. I listed ides with very literal imagery of the word ‘connections’ and metaphorically. For the past two years I have been surrounded by death and when someone dies you find out things about them you never knew. Some of these things are good while others make you wish you never heard it. Focusing on the theme of people, specifically family, "Okay" was birthed. To a lot of people family is the only connection they need while to others your family connection isn’t everything. When people die you find out things about them but also those who are left alive. "Okay" is here to remind me and viewers that cutting connections with people in your family isn’t a bad thing. Family is not your mother, father, grandparents, or siblings; family is whoever you want and need it to be. So, I create a reminder for those who need it. A reminder that it’s okay to cut connections with family or with anyone that doesn’t support you. A reminder that it’s okay to leave a family to make a new one.